dc.contributorDe Bortoli, Eliane Maria
dc.creatorMeirelles Filho, Moisés
dc.identifierMEIRELLES FILHO, Moisés. Implementação de um sistema web para geração de estimativas de esforço em projetos de software. 2014. 64 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Pato Branco, 2014.
dc.description.abstractEffort in software projects is related to the time required for completion of each project activity. The generation of effort estimates for a project has typically been made based on the project manager's experience and team, which often makes it very inaccurate because historic lack of previous projects as the basis for these estimates. Therefore, this work presents the modeling and implementation of a web application to generate estimates and control software based on historic effort by activity. The system enables the standard ratings registration project managers for projects for which are bound standard efforts to defining the term factors, according to the model proposed by the Group of Studies and Research in Information and Communication Technologies (GETIC) of the University of Technology Paraná (UTFPR). The implementation of this model also allows the estimation of new software projects based on the standard effort stored and influence of term modifying factors, generating a concerted effort to the project. Term modifying factors are those related to the development environment, technological and human aspects, which influence the results of estimated effort for a project, creating a closer concerted effort exerted the work reality. Whereas the concept of effort in software projects, the system also provides the developer an environment for effective control of time in carrying out activities through a screen for registration and accounting (tracker). From the tracker records, the accounting is held for use in the estimated effort compared to that achieved in order to update the standard registration effort, assist in more accurate estimates of future projects, and identify possible improvements in the development process. All interfaces and features were implemented using the Java language, the Java Server Faces Web technologies and Primefaces and for the structuring of the data DBMS MySql.
dc.publisherUniversidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná
dc.publisherPato Branco
dc.subjectEngenharia de software
dc.subjectSoftware de aplicação - Desenvolvimento
dc.subjectInterface de programas aplicativos (Software)
dc.subjectServiços da Web
dc.subjectSoftware engineering
dc.subjectApplication software - Development
dc.subjectApplication Program Interfaces (Computer software)
dc.subjectWeb services
dc.titleImplementação de um sistema web para geração de estimativas de esforço em projetos de software

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