dc.contributorLeite, Maici Duarte
dc.contributorGomes, Henrique Glicério da Conceição
dc.contributorSato, Gustavo Yuji
dc.contributorLeite, Maici Duarte
dc.creatorReis, Jean Antonio Oliveira
dc.identifierREIS, Jean Antonio Oliveira. Sistema especialista para a identificação da utilização do pensamento computacional. 2017. 38 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) – Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Francisco Beltrão, 2017.
dc.description.abstractComputational Thinking is a theme that seems to be impacting in the school context. In 2006, Jeannette M. Wing, proposed a possible concept, considering the relevance of addressing such subject within the educational context as elementary as learning to read, write or perform mathematical operations, several other researchers began to work the theme. The Computer Science Teachers Association (CSTA) and the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE), together with the collaboration of world-renowned research experts in a wide fields range, from K-12 education, higher education, and even Industry, have created an operational definition and vocabulary as a definition for the theme. This vocabulary is used throughout North American K-12 education, but it seems to contemplate basic education throughout the world. Considering the large school numbers that use apostilled didactic materials, together with the less frequent computer rooms use, we observed signs of Computational Thinking in the approach form to the problem solving. Thus, the proposal of this study is to present a Specialist System, able to identify if the application of Computational Thinking occurs based on theorists of the subject, in the apostilled materials, but could be applied to any other type of material, such as the didactic book present in the Brazilian public schools. The contribution of the research in relation to such identification, has the objective of validating if the proposal of the curricular contents, whether or not they have adapted to this concept, enriching the educational proposal of Brazil. To develop the system, the Expert Sinta computational tool was used, which proved capable of generating satisfactory results.
dc.publisherUniversidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná
dc.publisherFrancisco Beltrao
dc.publisherLicenciatura em Informática
dc.subjectInteligência computacional
dc.subjectSistemas especialistas (Computação)
dc.subjectComputational intelligence
dc.subjectExpert systems (Computer science)
dc.titleSistema especialista para a identificação da utilização do pensamento computacional

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