dc.contributorEstorilio, Carla Cristina Amodio
dc.contributorEstorilio, Carla Cristina Amodio
dc.contributorFoggiatto, José Aguiomar
dc.contributorGödke, Francisco
dc.creatorRibeiro, Gabriel Castilho Mendes
dc.creatorScherner, Vanessa
dc.identifierRIBEIRO, Gabriel Castilho Mendes; SCHERNER, Vanessa. Projeto de equipamento para transporte e acomodação de criança com deficiência neuromotora. 2012. 187 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) – Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, 2012.
dc.description.abstractThe Demand to develop new products that promote accessibility and social inclusion to those who possess physical and intellectual disabilities has grown significantly in the past years and promises to grow even more. Thus came assistive technology, it is a new term, but increasingly popular in engineering. In this context came an opportunity to develop, along with ERCE School, a specific product to attend the needs of a patient who suffers from severe intellectual and physical disabilities and obesity. Therefore this work aims to develop a project and build a prototype of a product that assists this patient to remain in an upright position and develop knee sustentation. For this a few subjects will be revised, such as, assistive technology, intellectual and physical disabilities and human motor development. After, with the intent to developing the product design, Pahl et al (2005) methodology will be used, regarding the informational, preliminary, conceptual and detailed design. Among the results, this work will present a full product design with all technical information to manufacture the final product.
dc.publisherUniversidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná
dc.publisherDepartamento Acadêmico de Mecânica
dc.publisherEngenharia Mecânica
dc.subjectProjeto de produto - Projeto de acessibilidade
dc.subjectEngenharia - Projeto de acessibilidade
dc.subjectTecnologia de reabilitação
dc.subjectProduct design - Barrier-free design
dc.subjectEngineering - Barrier-free design
dc.subjectRehabilitation technology
dc.titleProjeto de equipamento para transporte e acomodação de criança com deficiência neuromotora

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