dc.contributorKuhn, Daniela Isabel
dc.creatorSantos, Gabrielly Dias
dc.identifierSANTOS, Gabrielly Dias. Projeto desportivo social com ginástica rítmica: educação em valores humanos. 2011. 48 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) – Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, 2011.
dc.description.abstractThe Rhythmic Gymnastics is a sport exclusively female that grants its participants to work with various motor abilities, handling with apparatus and creativity. We consider the sport as a mean that can educate the human being or defraud him due to its training demands targeted at the competition. The object of this study was to verify if the education of the human values during the practice of Rhythmic Gymnastics cooperates to a behavior improvement of children. We have adopted as the methodology the qualitative approach. We performed 4 months of Human Values application to the RG classes to the children, and observation during these classes. To the end of these months, we applied a questionnaire to the parents/responsibles based in the questionnaire developed by Rego e Lima (2009). Methodologically it was decided to analyze the values that had appeared more in the answers. The research was composed of 4 children and 4 parents/responsibles involved in the Social Project of the Rhythmic Gymnastics. The answers obtained were analyzed and categorized using the method of Content Analysis. As the main results we have founded 6 behaviors that have had improvement in the 4 children due to the following human values: Respect, Perseverance, Self-steem, Joy, Self-analysis and Love. And the human value best understood and improved by the children was the Respect. It can be concluded that even though a study of few participants and realized in a short period of time, there were improvements in the behavior of the children, revealing that the practice of Rhythmic Gymnastics can collaborate to the development of the human values, when directed to this intention.
dc.publisherUniversidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná
dc.publisherDepartamento de Educação Física
dc.subjectGinástica rítmica
dc.subjectCrianças - Formação
dc.subjectRhythmic gymnastics
dc.subjectChild rearing
dc.titleProjeto desportivo social com ginástica rítmica: educação em valores humanos

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