dc.contributorMagalhães, Ana Cristina Macedo
dc.contributorMagalhães, Ana Cristina Macedo
dc.contributorDuenhas, Rogerio Alon
dc.contributorTonon, Leonardo
dc.creatorPires, Alex Rodrigues
dc.identifierPIRES, Alex Rodrigues. A transparência no âmbito da saúde na gestão pública municipal em Itapetining-SP. 2018. 76 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Especialização em Gestão Pública Municipal) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, 2018.
dc.description.abstractThe present study approached the transparency in the Municipal Public Management of Itapetininga-SP, within the scope of health, evidencing through qualitative research and bibliographic review, the culminating points by which the contemporary management plans act to heal the correlative intercurrences the demands financial and material resources. The general objective of the work aimed at identifying the Municipal Public Management of Itapetininga-SP through the portals of transparency was achieved, as well as the specific objectives that were to understand, discuss, emphasize and identify how the Municipal Public Management of this city develops access to information to the health sector and whether the form employed is clear and effective for citizens to absorb such information. The study presented a qualitative bibliographic research as a methodological feature, concomitantly the field research in the medium to obtain documentary data collection presented in the textual transcorrer. The unrestricted access to the pertinent information was emphasized concomitantly to other sectors that, in an organizational and integrative way, correspond directly to the Management in obtaining improvements in the attendance destined to the users of the municipal public services, offered in the health sectors by the UBS, UPAS and hospitals that are under the Public Administration, from the supply of drugs, appointment schedules, exams and hospitalizations being of low and high complexity. The financial resources coming from the higher spheres were listed as required, aiming at the smoothness in the provision of information, accounts and services provided by the municipal transparency portal as the topic expressed succinctly within the parameters established by the current legislation, whether Federal , State and Municipal. Figures, graphs, tables and tables alluded to the presented one, thus seeking a simple and effective understanding in relation to Municipal Public Management, and separating by competences the performance of each manager in his particular sector, propitiating the assimilation of those who sought to discern between the applicabilities management and their respective managers.
dc.publisherUniversidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná
dc.publisherEspecialização em Gestão Pública Municipal
dc.subjectTransparência na administração pública
dc.subjectAdministração pública - Itapetininga (SP)
dc.subjectSaúde pública - Administração
dc.subjectTransparency in government
dc.subjectPublic administration - Itapetininga (SP)
dc.subjectPublic health administration
dc.titleA transparência no âmbito da saúde na gestão pública municipal em Itapetining-SP

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