dc.contributorHoss, Osni
dc.creatorDallagnol, Diheyziane Ilse
dc.identifierDALLAGNOL, Diheyziane Ilse. Aplicação do modelo rojo: estudo de caso. 2012. 24 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Especialização) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Pato Branco, 2012.
dc.description.abstractThis article is the result of applying a model Rojo company whose business is a retail gas in the city of Pato Branco / Pr The purpose is to present a dynamic strategic planning in order to assist the enterprise to prepare for possible scenarios to be lived, presenting strategies and goals that can be applied in each scenario, taking into consideration its vision, mission and values, using tools as SWOT Method and BCG Matrix. This paper consists of introduction to the subject of Strategic Planning, followed by a theoretical foundation for the Model Rojo and its stages, and the implementation of the Model Rojo and terminated with the completion report.
dc.publisherUniversidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná
dc.publisherPato Branco
dc.subjectPlanejamento estratégico
dc.subjectProcesso decisório
dc.subjectInteligência competitiva (Administração)
dc.subjectStrategic planning
dc.subjectDecision making
dc.subjectBusiness intelligence
dc.titleAplicação do modelo rojo: estudo de caso

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