dc.contributorUrbanetz Junior, Jair
dc.contributorUrbanetz Junior, Jair
dc.contributorMaia, José da Silva
dc.contributorTiepolo, Gerson Maximo
dc.creatorSilva, Paulo Ricardo Vriesman
dc.identifierSILVA, Paulo Ricardo Vriesman. Impactos dos modelos de tarifação para geração solar fotovoltaica distribuída vigentes no Brasil: caso de estudo no Câmpus Curitiba/sede centro da UTFPR. 2016. 76 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Especialização em Energias Renováveis) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, 2016.
dc.description.abstractIn Brazil, the adopted distributed photovoltaic generation tax system is based on net metering (on its genuine form, exchange kWh per kWh). By the ICMS 6, from the Conselho Nacional de Política Fazendária (CONFAZ), it is stablished that the ICMS over the exceeded compensated energy shall be applied. In spite of that, twenty one brazilian states, by government determination, made the ICMS payment on compensated electrical energy free and, for that, there is two different tax systems that directly impact on the spreading of this type of electrical generation in Brazil. These impacts are the object of this paper, a field research, in wich through a solar photovoltaic net connected system dimensioned for UTFPR´s Curitiba center CÂMPUS, aims to compare the two different tax systems. The results, in a general way, shown the negative ICMS impact on the compensed energy, that postpone the ecconomical use of the solar energy as an alternative to the expenses reduction on the CÂMPUS.
dc.publisherUniversidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná
dc.publisherCurso de Especialização em Energias Renováveis
dc.subjectServiços de eletricidade - Tarifas
dc.subjectGeração de energia fotovoltaica
dc.subjectEstudos de viabilidade
dc.subjectElectric utilities - Rates
dc.subjectPhotovoltaic power generation
dc.subjectFeasibility studies
dc.titleImpactos dos modelos de tarifação para geração solar fotovoltaica distribuída vigentes no Brasil: caso de estudo no câmpus Curitiba/sede centro da UTFPR

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