dc.contributorPillco, Edwin Choque
dc.contributorPillco, Edwin Choque
dc.contributorLima, Ana Cristina Silveira
dc.contributorSoares, Alexandre Batista de Jesus
dc.creatorJabuinski, Monalisa Tavares
dc.identifierJABUINSKI, Monalisa Tavares. Análise de contingências no sistema elétrico de potência nos cenários de cargas ZIP. 2021. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Engenharia de Elétrica) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná (UTFPR), Pato Branco, 2021.
dc.description.abstractContingency analysis is of great relevance for the planning and operation of the Electric Power System. The objective of this work was to determine rankings of critical contingencies for the IEEE-14 bus system, in order to determine the most severe system shutdowns, so that their effects can be analyzed. The rankings were elaborated by the calculation of performance and severity indexes, in relation to voltage and power, through power flow simulation, for n-1 contingency, in constant impedance and constant power load scenarios. For the simulation of the power flows, the software MATLAB®1 and ANAREDE®2. According to the contingency classifications obtained, it was found that the indices determine different contingencies as the most critical for the system, while the load model has little influence on the classification of critical contingencies.
dc.publisherUniversidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná
dc.publisherPato Branco
dc.publisherDepartamento Acadêmico de Elétrica
dc.publisherEngenharia Elétrica
dc.subjectFator de potência
dc.subjectSistemas de energia elétrica
dc.subjectTabelas de contingência
dc.subjectMedidores de tensão
dc.subjectElectric power factor
dc.subjectElectric power systems
dc.subjectContingency tables
dc.subjectStrain gages
dc.titleAnálise de contingências no sistema elétrico de potência nos cenários de cargas ZIP

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