dc.contributorFrança, Ramiro Faria
dc.contributorFrança, Ramiro Faria
dc.contributorFaria, Alvaro Boson de Castro
dc.contributorThomas, Cláudio
dc.contributorSuzaki, Pedro Yahico Ramos
dc.creatorClaudino, Evandro Daniel
dc.identifierCLAUDINO, Evandro Daniel. Avaliação preliminar de ambientes de trabalho em marcenarias e movelarias de Dois Vizinhos / PR. 2017. 49 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal Do Paraná, Dois Vizinhos, 2017.
dc.description.abstractSince the beginning of human existence to the contemporary human being, using many ways to build or improve objects through techniques increasingly advanced with better uses and greater efficiency and effectiveness. The industries that develop their work with wood as the main raw material in Brazil are in the top accidents rank. In most cases the accidents could be avoided by using the security measures provided for in the regulatory norm (NR) expressing the work need adapting human possibilities to reduce the risk of physical injury, psychological, chemists, biologists, ergonomic and accidents. Risk control measures are often available to employees, such, as PPE's, CPE's and equipment manuals, however are not used, or by ignorance or selfassertion, bringing sometimes irreversible damage. In Dois Vizinhos city the carpentry are the industries that stand out in the use of wood and have a nucleus that guides their actions. With the need to investigate the preliminary osafety risks and workers, with the approval of the core, this study aims through exploratory-interpretive qualitative methodology to analyze the risks through observations in loco, questionnaires, diagnosing the critical points of safety in the core businesses, appointed based on NR 's possible control measures to be implemented in the machinery, the structure and human activity. The investigation by the use of safety equipment, noise, exposure to heat, ergonomics, sanitary conditions and comfort, industrial waste and safety signaling pointed out precarious needs legislated in NR's, NBR's and NHO. The largest gap is characterized in industrial waste and safety signaling, the regulatory norm with the highest compliance rate is personal protective equipment. The detected noise values showed values higher than those recommended in most equipment, the highest being the planer, trellis planer and circular saw, with up to 108 dB (A). The thermal exposure, not generating values higher than 25º C, presenting no eminent risk to the worker. The flaws in workers' safety are simple but crucial, In which as companies involved demonstrate interested in organizing and adapting their environment, seeking to ensure that as work activities are performed with greater security.
dc.publisherUniversidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná
dc.publisherDois Vizinhos
dc.publisherCurso de Engenharia Florestal
dc.subjectMadeira - Exploração
dc.subjectMadeira serrada - Dois Vizinhos (Paraná)
dc.subjectLumber - Dois Vizinhos (Paraná)
dc.titleAvaliação preliminar de ambientes de trabalho em marcenarias e movelarias de Dois Vizinhos / PR

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