dc.contributorCastro, Thiago Morais de
dc.contributorHalmeman, Maria Cristina Rodrigues
dc.contributorPrado, Marcelo Real
dc.contributorCastro, Thiago Morais de
dc.creatorGuatta, Aurora de Oliveira
dc.identifierGUATTA, Aurora de Oliveira. Estimativa do potencial de geração de energia elétrica dos resíduos encaminhados ao aterro sanitário do município de Maringá-PR por meio da tecnologia waste-to-energy. 2021. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Bacharelado em Engenharia Ambiental) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Campo Mourão, 2021.
dc.description.abstractThe final disposal of solid waste is a major challenge, especially in large urban centers, due to its growth, an inevitable consequence of the activities made by society. As a consequence, there is a need for proper treatment. When not done or done incorrectly, such waste causes direct damage to the population and the environment. In addition, it results in waste of energy, considering that a large part of this material is subject to valorization and profit generation. Given this situation, this study intended to estimate the potential generation of electric energy using the waste that is currently sent to the landfill through the implementation of a Waste-to-Energy plant in the city of Maringá-PR. The research was implemented taking as a reference the methodology used by the company A2A Ambiente, located in the northern of Italy (Lombardy region), which is responsible for waste management value chain, from the collection stage to disposal one including the management of Waste-To-Energy power plants, such as Silla 2 plant in Milan. After obtaining informations about the Maringá waste, the Lower Heating Value of the waste that is sent in the landfill was estimated, a fundamental characteristic to determine the feasibility of using the WTE for the generation of energy. Although the values have reached the required minimum of 2109,49 kcal / kg related to a total of 114.662,96 tons of waste sent to the landfill in 2020, it was possible to increase this potential through a pre-treatment, considering that a large portion of the Maringá waste is composed of the organic fraction. For this purpose, a biological mechanical treatment step was proposed, for reducing organic waste and consequently increasing the value of the Lower Heating Value to 2584,41 kcal / kg. After such steps, was calculated the estimated capacity of plant and was made the other analyzes. In view of these results, the potential presented by the city in the use of this technology was verified and was comparable to the European reality. It was verified the need that the Brazilian reality has to adopt effective and environmentally correct measures for the treatment of its waste, ensuring that the circular economy occurs.
dc.publisherUniversidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná
dc.publisherCampo Mourao
dc.publisherDepartamento Acadêmico de Ambiental
dc.publisherEngenharia Ambiental
dc.subjectAterro sanitário
dc.subjectEnergia elétrica - Produção
dc.subjectLixo - Eliminação
dc.subjectSanitary landfills
dc.subjectElectric power production
dc.subjectRefuse and refuse disposal
dc.titleEstimativa do potencial de geração de energia elétrica dos resíduos encaminhados ao aterro sanitário do município de Maringá-PR por meio da tecnologia waste-to-energy

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