dc.contributorBazzi, Claudio Leones
dc.creatorFranzon, Marcelo
dc.identifierFRANZON, Marcelo. Padrões OGC para modelagem e implementação de banco de dados geográficos. 2013. 97 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) – Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Medianeira, 2013.
dc.description.abstractThis paper will address the entire evolutionary history of geoprocessing were made as the research and views to date with all the technological innovations, making it more efficient processing of spatial data. Presentation of GIS as its various mechanisms for submitting data computing and its attributes, the paper also discusses the DBMS Servers, Maps, interoperability between software, conceptual model that uses OGC to create their patterns, and the main theme the work of certification standards that are OCG geoprocessing, which will be shown a history of this group, the progress that the organization and its members has been providing developers in the creation and updating of standards thus leaving the lives of developers easier use of standards as well as the architecture and specifications.
dc.publisherUniversidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná
dc.subjectSistemas de informação geográfica
dc.subjectSistemas de recuperação da informação - Geografia
dc.subjectPadrões de software
dc.subjectGeographic information systems
dc.subjectInformation storage and retrieval systems - Geography
dc.subjectSoftware patterns
dc.titlePadrões OGC para modelagem e implementação de banco de dados geográficos

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