dc.contributorWerner, Johnny
dc.contributorWerner, Johnny
dc.contributorTrentin, Marcelo Gonçalves
dc.contributorBarros Neto, José Paulo de
dc.creatorPerin, Ismael
dc.identifierPERIN, Ismael. Elaboração de manuais de operação e atividades práticas para duas bancadas didáticas do laboratório de máquinas elétricas. 2016. 98 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Pato Branco, 2016.
dc.description.abstractThe presented project was produced based on the need of using of the disused didactic bench of the Electrical Machines lab of the Federal Technological University of Paraná- Campus Pato Branco. Besides including the preparation for using them, it was sought to develop practical activities using the didactic bench for the teachers and students of the Campus. Those activities provides dynamic classes and applicability of the course. Since the studies proves the benefits of these practical classes, it was studied the arrangement of the elements of the benches, as well as their conditions, functions, in order to prepare the manuals and the scripts for the practical classes. The value of this project corresponds to the use of equipment already available in the university. Furthermore, those practical activities can assist on the teaching-learning process, enabling practical knowledge to the students without higher costs to campus.
dc.publisherUniversidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná
dc.publisherPato Branco
dc.publisherDepartamento Acadêmico de Elétrica
dc.publisherEngenharia Elétrica
dc.subjectMáquinas elétricas
dc.subjectControladores programáveis
dc.subjectServiços de informação - Manuais, guias, etc.
dc.subjectElectric machinery
dc.subjectProgrammable controllers
dc.subjectInformation services - Handbooks, manuals, etc
dc.titleElaboração de manuais de operação e atividades práticas para duas bancadas didáticas do laboratório de máquinas elétricas

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