dc.contributorScandelari, Vanessa do Rocio Nahhas
dc.contributorScandelari, Vanessa do Rocio Nahhas
dc.contributorLima, Adauto José Miranda de
dc.contributorRomano, César Augusto
dc.creatorSilveira, Thiago Carvalho dos Reis
dc.identifierSILVEIRA, Thiago Carvalho do Reis. Avaliação de qualidade do transporte público de Curitiba sob a ótica do usuário, de operação e do órgão gestor. 2017. 184 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação em Engenharia Civil) – Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, 2017.
dc.description.abstractCuritiba was pioneer in developing a fully integrated mass transportation system and in orienting city’s growth through structural lanes, therefore, became a global reference in urban mobility. Nonetheless, it’s system has been facing a decrease in ridership and, consequentially, an increase in the operational fare. The main goal of this study was to evaluate perceived quality through a multi-level analysis to find the main points of action that could to lead to a better scenario. For user and operational point of view, analysis was conducted by breaking the system down in component factors of transportation quality. Surveys and collected field data were then analysed by Highway Capacity Manual (2010) and Ferraz and Torres (2004) methodologies. The obtained data was compared to generate an overview representing the public management side. From this perspective, is crucial to provide information as such relative importance regarding public transportation factors in a user angle, therefore, fare, safety, service frequency, public transportation connectivity, reliability, transit-auto travel time and measures of comfort were found with a high importance. Non-user perceived quality data was also collected and then compared to user standpoint to better understand the possible infrastructure improvements and policy campaigns that could rise ridership levels. Finally, fare, safety and passenger load are currently the main points of interest for infrastructure improvements and transit-auto travel time and service frequency could be a source for police campaigns leading to user better understanding of the system’s level of service.
dc.publisherUniversidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná
dc.publisherCurso de Engenharia Civil
dc.subjectQualidade de vida
dc.subjectTransportes - Controle de qualidade
dc.subjectTransportes - Trânsito de passageiros
dc.subjectSistemas de transportes Publico - Curitiba (PR)
dc.subjectEngenharia civil
dc.subjectQuality of life
dc.subjectTransportation - Quality control
dc.subjectTransportation - Passenger traffic
dc.subjectPublic Transportation System - Curitiba (PR)
dc.subjectCivil engineering
dc.titleAvaliação de qualidade do transporte público de Curitiba sob a ótica do usuário, de operação e do órgão gestor

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