dc.contributorRohling, Nívea
dc.contributorRohling, Nívea
dc.contributorNascentes, Zama Caixeta
dc.contributorSouza, Maurini de
dc.creatorOliveira, Aline de Freitas
dc.identifierOLIVEIRA, Aline de Freitas. A leitura de textos publicitários: uma proposta de análise na perspectiva dialógica. 2018. 40 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Especialização em Ensino de Língua Portuguesa e Literatura) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, 2018.
dc.description.abstractThe objective of this research is to elaborate a descriptive-interpretative analysis of the propaganda genre. The theoretical foundation is in line with the theory of genres of discourse, of the Circle of Bakhtin. Based on this objective, three advertisements of O Boticário were analyzed, two in video and one in magazine and billboard. The treatment of the data is interpretative, the relative stabilities characterizing the genre were analyzed, based on the theme, composition and style. It was observed that the propagated analyzed presented argumentative character, advertising appeal, that in this case appeal to the emotion, seeking to reach human needs of the interlocutors, such as the need for beauty or sexual attraction. As for the verbal and non-verbal statements, it was observed that the company places itself as an ally of the woman, who assists her in the moments when she needs it through the valorization of beauty. The theme, which has a dialogical relationship with other themes, establishes a relationship with real life facts, historical facts and fairy tales, thus seeking an identification of the interlocutor with the characters of the advertisement. The composition presents other genres inserted into the propaganda genre, such as the interview genre, and reference to fairytale characters. As for the style, like all text of the discursive propaganda genre, they present a persuasive character and seek to convince the interlocutors to consume the products of the company, making lexical choices that place the company as a friend, an ally of the woman in difficult times as well as doing it reflect on the importance of beauty in your life. The slogan Believe in beauty, with the verb in the imperative, expresses an order, so that women can value beauty by earning part of their income for consumption of perfumery and cosmetics. The results demonstrate the importance of analyzing advertisements to enable understanding of all levels of comprehension of a text, amplifying and enhancing the experience of reading advertisements.
dc.publisherUniversidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná
dc.publisherEspecialização em Ensino de Língua Portuguesa e Literatura
dc.subjectDialogismo (Análise literária)
dc.subjectAnálise do discurso
dc.subjectDialogism (Literary analysis)
dc.subjectDiscourse analysis
dc.titleA leitura de textos publicitários: uma proposta de análise na perspectiva dialógica

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