dc.contributorTabalipa, Ney Lyzandro
dc.contributorTabalipa, Ney Lyzandro
dc.contributorBenetti, Heloiza Aparecida Piassa
dc.contributorRossetto, Diogo
dc.contributorLuz, Caroline Angulski da
dc.creatorVieira, Gustavo Henrique Veronese
dc.identifierVIEIRA, Gustavo Henrique Veronese. Avaliação de blocos de solo-cimento utilizando o solo de pato branco corrigido com areia natural ou areia de britagem. 2017. 80 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Pato Branco, 2017.
dc.description.abstractCurrently, the construction industry is one of the largest consumers of raw materials coming from nature and one of the main generators of solid waste, so it is important to study new building materials that are less aggressive to the environment. Soil-cement blocks are an example of this type of material, however, their quality depends on the characteristics of the inputs used in their manufacture. Considering the use of the soil of the City of Pato Branco - PR it was necessary to make its characterization through its granulometric range, liquidity limit and plasticity index, however it was observed that this was unsuitable for the manufacture of soil- cement blocks. The solution adopted was the correction of this soil with natural sand and the correction with crushing sand for its later comparison. After selecting a trait for the soil mixture with the sands, it was possible to ascertain the soil classification corrected in the requirements of ABNT and the Centro de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento (CEPED), these could be added with cement and molded in a manual press for the construction of the blocks. At the end of the study, two materials were obtained: the soil-cement blocks with soil corrected with natural sand and the soil-cement blocks with soil corrected with crushing sand, where these could be evaluated for their resistance to compression and water absorption.
dc.publisherUniversidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná
dc.publisherPato Branco
dc.publisherDepartamento Acadêmico de Construção Civil
dc.publisherEngenharia Civil
dc.subjectSolos - Correção
dc.subjectConstrução de solo-cimento
dc.subjectSoil amendments
dc.subjectSoil cement
dc.subjectSoil cement construction
dc.titleAvaliação de blocos de solo-cimento utilizando o solo de pato branco corrigido com areia natural ou areia de britagem

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