dc.contributorMiziara, Alexandre Jorge
dc.contributorMiziara, Alexandre Jorge
dc.contributorMiziara, Alexandre Jorge
dc.contributorMiziara, Alexandre Jorge
dc.creatorOkubo, Marcos Fabiano
dc.identifierOKUBO, Marcos Fabiano. O valor da marca na era digital: um estudo de caso da marca Friboi. 2016. 47 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Especialização em Gestão de Tecnologia da Informação e Comunicação) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, 2016.
dc.description.abstractThis monograph sought to address the creation of value for a meat brand in natura in the digital age, the so-called brand equity. Amid fierce competition and globalization of the market, the companies hope that consumers are loyal to their brand, causing them to share experiences, become brand ambassadors and contribute in creating new products, justifying this way, the investment in digital marketing. In this context, branding and relationship marketing emerge as essential tools for achieving the goals. The overall objective was to identify the actions and elements that in some way, contributed in the process of Friboi brand value creation in the digital environment. Added to this were the specific objectives, methodology and research paths. The theoretical framework presented the brand concepts, branding, brand equity, marketing, digital marketing and relationship marketing, in addition to presenting the advantages of value to a brand and the role of production and logistics chain in the value creation process. The development took place in two phases: the first exploratory, aimed at deepening the problem, and other descriptive, it was possible to draw a parallel between the critical analysis and theoretical to identify the existence of relationships between the variables and the resulting effects on the mark.
dc.publisherUniversidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná
dc.publisherEspecialização em Gestão de Tecnologia da Informação e Comunicação
dc.subjectBranding (Marketing)
dc.subjectMarca de produtos
dc.subjectMarketing de relacionamento
dc.subjectValor adicionado
dc.subjectBranding (Marketing)
dc.subjectBrand name products
dc.subjectRelationship marketing
dc.subjectValue added
dc.titleO valor da marca na era digital: um estudo de caso da marca Friboi

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