dc.contributorLuz, Caroline Angulski da
dc.contributorEtchalus, José Miguel
dc.creatorFerneda, Mônica Cristina
dc.identifierFERNEDA, Mônica Cristina. Estudo do desenvolvimento de concreto auto-adensável com areia artificial em pré-fabricados. 2014. 118 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Pato Branco, 2014.
dc.description.abstractThe self-compacting concrete (SCC) is conquering the market of construction and providing properties that can satisfy the needs required within the precast industry for productivity. To be considered as such, their production, control and application require more care, because this must have maintained stable their characteristics during and after its release, these being: cohesion, fluidity and segregation resistance. The self compacting concrete requires a large amount of fine material in their composition and in this context can highlight, as a contribution, the incorporation of artificial sand in partial substitution to the natural sand, because it contain content high of fine material, minimizing the activity exploration of natural sand that cause major environmental impacts. From this, this work have as objective to evaluate the performance of SCC produced with artificial sand, aiming to do at implementation in the manufacturing of precast elements. Like this the carrying out of this study included the laboratory analisys the properties of the constituent materials of concrete, the dosage and experimental production of self-compacting concrete and the consolidation of product with application in the precast industry. It has been found that with the incorporation of artificial sand was intensified formation of segregation and exudation in the SCC, which can be explained by the discontinuity given by the particle of aggregate size studied. However, the amount of fines present in the artificial sand supplied the most of the fine material demanded by the SCC. It was noticed that high consumption of cement had by SCC, has given him a strong strength gain in the first 24 hours of curing, confirming the suitability of the product with the precast in the question of optimizing the use of molds.
dc.publisherUniversidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná
dc.publisherPato Branco
dc.publisherConstrução Civil
dc.subjectConcreto - Aditivos
dc.subjectConcreto pré-moldado - Formas
dc.subjectMateriais de construção - Testes
dc.subjectAgregados (Materiais de construção)
dc.subjectConcrete - Additives
dc.subjectPrecast concrete - Formwork
dc.subjectBuilding materials - Testing
dc.subjectAggregates (Building materials)
dc.titleEstudo do desenvolvimento de concreto auto-adensável com areia artificial em pré-fabricados

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