dc.contributorFeiber, Silmara Dias
dc.contributorPansera, Wagner Alessandro
dc.contributorFeiber, Fúlvio Natercio
dc.contributorOliveira, Christian Valcir Kniphoff de
dc.contributorFeiber, Silmara Dias
dc.contributorPansera, Wagner Alessandro
dc.creatorBonsere, Patrick Luiz
dc.identifierBONSERE, Patrick Luiz. Utilização do telhado verde como parte integrante do sistema de drenagem urbana na cidade de Toledo / PR. 2019. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Bacharelado em Engenharia Civil) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Toledo, 2019.
dc.description.abstractDue to the growing urbanization scenario, the scarcity of green area and high soil waterproofing, caused by the big number of buildings that took place of green and permeable area in urban centers, ended up contributing to high incidences of flood, overflow and other problems of water order, because it decrease the permanence time of water volume precipitated in the basin, reducing the water infiltration into the soil. So, with that, the green roof emerges as a constructive alternative that brings benefits to the local environment, generating improvements that affect the most diverse sectors of society, still seeking to minimize environmental impacts generated by the urbanization process. With the intention of verify the benefits of these structures for the reduction of surface runoff were constructed three modules of green roof, with variation in the inclination (2, 20 and 30%) and simulated intense rainfall, checking the influence of the antecedent humidity and slope in the run off, that pointed to a reduction in the run off of up to 57,5% and large influence of antecedent humidity. To evaluate the performance of the green roof as a component of the urban drainage system were realized computational simulations by dimensioning of stormwater galleries in conventional scenarios and with the use of green roof, that showing a reduction on pipe diameter and a reduction of up to 34% in peak flows.
dc.publisherUniversidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná
dc.publisherEngenharia Civil
dc.subjectDesenvolvimento urbano sustentável
dc.subjectConstrução sustentável
dc.subjectHidrologia urbana
dc.subjectSustainable urban development
dc.subjectSustainable construction
dc.subjectUrban hidrology
dc.titleUtilização do telhado verde como parte integrante do sistema de drenagem urbana na cidade de Toledo / PR

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