dc.contributorRufato Junior, Eloi
dc.creatorNicolotti, Rafaele Dalazuana
dc.creatorSilva, Ricardo Michael Coutinho da
dc.creatorJorge, Thyago de Moura
dc.identifierNICOLOTTI, Rafaele Dalazuana; SILVA, Ricardo Michael Coutinho da; JORGE, Thyago de Moura. Avaliação do desempenho dos relés de proteção anti-ilhamento em um sistema com geração distribuída. 2011. 107 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) – Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná. Curso Superior de Engenharia Elétrica, Curitiba, 2011.
dc.description.abstractDistributed generation, i.e., the connection of generators to the subtransmission/distribution system of power utility companies have grown enormously in Brazil and around the world. Parallel to this growth, standards and technical recommendations which establish minimum requirements for connecting new producers of electricity to the electrical system. The connection of distributed generation affects the electrical system in several ways. One of the situations that arise with inclusion of distributed generation in the system is the possibility that some loads connected to electric generators remain connected upon the occurrence of contingencies in the utility system, creating a condition called islanding. The islanding is currently not allowed by most power utilities companies in many countries, including Brazil, because this configuration puts in risk the safety of people and equipment beyond deteriorate the quality of power supplied to local consumers. Faced with this context, this work is intended to evaluate two protections for anti-islanding, the phase shift relay and the rate of change of frequency relay as well, which are gaining interest of energy producers due to its low cost compared with other protection systems, and due to their ease of installation. Therefore this study evaluates the effectiveness of these relays in employment in a specific system with distributed generation, showing the difficulties encountered in their widespread use.
dc.publisherUniversidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná
dc.publisherDepartamento Acadêmico de Eletrotécnica
dc.subjectGeração distribuida de energia elétrica
dc.subjectEnergia elétrica - Transmissão
dc.subjectRelés elétricos
dc.subjectRelés de proteção
dc.subjectDistributed generation of electric power
dc.subjectElectric power transmission
dc.subjectElectric relays
dc.subjectProtective relays
dc.titleAvaliação do desempenho dos relés de proteção anti-ilhamento em um sistema com geração distribuída

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