dc.contributorPereira, Hermano
dc.contributorPereira, Hermano
dc.contributorOgiboski, Luciano
dc.contributorHernandes, Sediane Carmem Lunardi
dc.creatorSouza, Jonas José Moreira de
dc.identifierSOUZA, Jonas José Moreira de. Servidor proxy squid: uma ferramenta no auxílio do uso adequado da internet. 2014. 47 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) – Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Guarapuava, 2014.
dc.description.abstractThe Proxy servers as mediators between the internal network (intranet) and the external network (Internet), so are the only machine (computers) that direct access to the Internet. This characteristic enables that Proxy servers are used to improve the security and the performance of the network through the cache of Web pages, and control rules access. The service present in the web cache proxy stores disk pages accessed by users, so when the same page is requested again by any computer on the network, will be introduced directly of the cache, without necessity of search the source server. As consequence this allows that the consumption of bandwidth available for Internet may decline. while the access control realized through the predefined rules, comes to direct the use of the Internet for activities of interest of company, avoiding access the unnecessary sites and decreasing the exposure to viruses (malicious programs). This study used as the basis for collecting data of City counal of Boa Ventura de Sao Roque, where during 20 (twenty) theys stayed active a system the capture responsable for the record all the sites accessedes, creating a list the URLs used in simulations of access trough of Proxy server. The aim realizer are showed a estimate of save of bandwith in until 86% (eighty six percent), considering the use web cache and acess control.
dc.publisherUniversidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná
dc.publisherTecnologia em Sistemas para Internet
dc.subjectAcesso à Internet
dc.subjectIntranets (Computer networks)
dc.subjectInternet access
dc.titleServidor Proxy Squid: uma ferramenta no auxílio do uso adequado da internet

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