dc.contributorCatapan, Anderson
dc.contributorCatapan, Anderson
dc.contributorDuenhas, Rogerio Alon
dc.contributorMagalhães, Ana Cristina Macedo
dc.creatorAntunes, Virginia de Toledo Bonato
dc.identifierANTUNES, Virginia de Toledo Bonato. A implantação do projeto “Cartório do Futuro” na comarca de São José dos Campos e seu impacto na prestação jurisdicional. 2018. 67 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Especialização em Gestão Pública Municipal) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, 2018.
dc.description.abstractThis research presents the Judiciary System, which is part of the public administration, and its legal obligation to provide efficient services. It analyzes the role of the National Council of Justice, which is a part of the Judiciary and responsible for the central planning and management. It presents the "Judicial Strategy", created for the period 2015/2020, which aims to provide a faster service to combat the slowness of justice. It contemplates the right to access to justice and explains the consequences of delays in the fulfillment of this right. It presents the models of public administration, its evolution and evidences being the managerial model the best option for management of public services of the Judiciary. This work describes the project “Cartório do Futuro” created by the Court of Justice of São Paulo, which aims at the model of public service efficiency, with pillars of the public administration. Analyzes the model of the project implemented in the Region of São José dos Campos. It covers the modifications of this model in relation to the model initially proposed by the Court of Justice of São Paulo, which is based on division and management of workflow, distribution of people and physical space. It presents the results obtained in the unit and in comparison, with the model proposed by the Court of Justice of São Paulo, implanting in the Region of Santos. The study verified through a questionnaire and data analysis that the practices and administrative management of the acts developed in the UPJ of Jose dos Campos resulted in a substantial increase in the productivity of the judges' acts, indicating in another point the decrease in the time of dispatch administrative acts, thus reducing delays in the delivery of the judicial service.
dc.publisherUniversidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná
dc.publisherEspecialização em Gestão Pública Municipal
dc.subjectAssistência judiciária
dc.subjectEficiência organizacional
dc.subjectLegal aid
dc.subjectOrganizational effectiveness
dc.titleA implantação do projeto “Cartório do Futuro” na comarca de São José dos Campos e seu impacto na prestação jurisdicional

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