dc.contributorGóes, Jorge Luís Nunes de
dc.contributorSurco, Douglas Fukunaga
dc.contributorKurta, Valdomiro Lubachevski
dc.contributorGóes, Jorge Luís Nunes de
dc.creatorWeber, Alessandra Monique
dc.identifierWEBER, Alessandra Monique. Estudo da biodeterioração em chapas de osb e mdf causada por fungos. 2014. 63 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, 2014.
dc.description.abstractThe wood construction systems have been gaining prominence in construction currently due mainly to be considered sustainable, necessary condition for new housing at the time in which we live. What occurs is that without proper knowledge of new technologies, problems related to design errors and also execution might happen, compromising the durability of buildings. The proliferation of wood decay fungi which is usual in the woods in their natural state, currently it is also been developing in wood products used in construction system known as wood frame. Brazil has favorable climatic conditions for fungal growth. Environmental factors influence the final design and the main measure to be taken is to avoid moisture in the wood. The fungus infestation can cause aesthetic and structural damage, even being harmful to human health. The preservatives used to prevent and correct the infestation of these microorganisms are highly toxic and are harmful to health and the environment. The search for more sustainable methods for controlling infestations should enhance, as a way to prevent these unfavorable factors. So this paper aims to indicate through bibliographic study for wood frame construction system to prevent the attack of fungi more efficiently and sustainably details.
dc.publisherUniversidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná
dc.publisherCampo Mourao
dc.publisherDepartamento acadêmico de construção civil
dc.publisherEngenharia Civil
dc.subjectMadeira - Produtos
dc.subjectFungos apodrecedores da madeira
dc.subjectMadeira - Preservativos
dc.subjectWood products
dc.subjectWood-decaying fungi
dc.subjectWood preservatives
dc.titleEstudo da biodeterioração em chapas de osb e mdf causada por fungos

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