dc.contributorBrito, Robison Cris
dc.contributorPola, Ives Renê Venturini
dc.contributorAscari, Rúbia Eliza de Oliveira Schultz
dc.contributorBrito, Robison Cris
dc.creatorRomero, Osni Venâncio Dorini
dc.identifierROMERO, Osni Venâncio Dorini. Aplicativo mobile para auxílio na coleta de lixo reciclável. 2021. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Tecnologia em Análise e Desenvolvimento de Sistemas) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná (UTFPR), Pato Branco, 2021.
dc.description.abstractThe unrestrained production of garbage around the world affects the population and the environment in different ways. Thus, the need and importance of this material to be treated from homes to its final destination is undeniable. As a measure to reduce the impact, this work has the objective of this type of application of an application for mobile devices whose main objective is to assist, encourage and improve the selective collection of solid waste in the city of Mangueirinha-PR. The application will serve as an intermediary facilitator between the user who wants to dispose of their garbage correctly, and the garbage collection vehicle selected as the appropriate destination for the garbage. And this facility is achieved through the GPS, which will be the key part of the application. The application aims to make the vehicle collect garbage only where there is really garbage to be collected, optimizing the collection in terms of speed, and generating less costs with fuel and vehicle maintenance. For the development of this work, Android Studio was used for the development of the smartphone application, as well as Firebase Authentication, responsible for all the user account creation, login, password recovery, password reset and ore reset. email. It was also used in the Firebase database, which is a tool responsible for the persistence of application data, such as user and guest data, and the Google Maps API, responsible for providing map resources. With the exception of Android Studio, the other tools are online tools, allowing access to data in real time, which makes the system dependent on the data network, which today is not a major limitation, given the great availability provided by the Internet.
dc.publisherUniversidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná
dc.publisherPato Branco
dc.publisherDepartamento Acadêmico de Informática
dc.publisherTecnologia em Análise e Desenvolvimento de Sistemas
dc.subjectGestão integrada de resíduos sólidos
dc.subjectColeta seletiva de lixo
dc.subjectAndroid (Recurso eletrônico)
dc.subjectAplicativos móveis
dc.subjectServiços da Web
dc.subjectCaminhões - Rotas
dc.subjectSistema de Posicionamento Global
dc.subjectIntegrated solid waste mangement
dc.subjectRefuse collection
dc.subjectAndroid (Electronic resource)
dc.subjectWeb services
dc.subjectMobile apps
dc.subjectTruck - Routes
dc.subjectGlobal Positioning System
dc.titleAplicativo mobile para auxílio na coleta de lixo reciclável

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