dc.contributorMazaro, Sérgio Miguel
dc.contributorPossenti, Jean Carlo
dc.contributorManteli, Claudia
dc.contributorLeite, Deborah Catharine de Assis
dc.contributorMazaro, Sérgio Miguel
dc.creatorSantos, Stheffani Lucca dos
dc.identifierSANTOS, Stheffani Lucca dos. Associação de inoculantes bacterianos e micorrizico na soja orgânica e convencional. 2020. Dissertação (Mestrado em Agronomia) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Pato Branco, 2020.
dc.description.abstractThe use of biological products in the agricultural scenario is on the rise, and with them the need for information that can improve the effectiveness of their use, such as the association of microorganisms in the soybean seed inoculationprocess. The objective of the work was to evaluate the potential of the association of inoculants, being co-inoculation (Bradyrhizobiumjaponicum+ Azospirillumbrasilense) and trinoculation (Bradyrhizobiumjaponicum+ Azospirillumbrasilense+ Rhizophagus intaradices), on the agronomic parameters of the soybean culture, in a conventional and organic. The experiments were carried out in two different locations, the experiment with conventional soy was conducted in the municipality of Verê -PR, and that oforganic soy in the experimental area of the Federal Technological University of Paraná, campus Dois Vizinhos. Sowing took place in the second half of October and in the first half of November 2018, for organic and conventional soybeans, respectively. The seeds, for the organic cultivation system, cv. BRS 284 were treated only with inoculants, while conventional, cv. Monsoy 5917, were treated with chemical fungicides previously, and only before sowing applied inoculants. The parameters evaluated were: plant height, number of branches, number of pods per plant, number of grains per pod, number of total nodes and height of insertion of the first pod, number and mass of nodules, intracellular mycorrhizal colonization and productivity. The results obtained demonstrated a productivity gain of 15% with the use of coinoculation and trinocolution when compared to the control, however, the other agronomic parameters did not change with the use of different treatments. Mycorrhizal colonization when Rhizophagus intaradices was used was observed inside the roots through the formation of shrubs, hyphae, and spores. In this way, the use of the association of microorganisms demonstrates great potential in soybean culture to increase productivity.
dc.publisherUniversidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná
dc.publisherPato Branco
dc.publisherPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Agronomia
dc.subjectSolos - Manejo
dc.subjectSementes - Inoculação
dc.subjectBactérias fitopatogênicas
dc.subjectSoja - Semente
dc.subjectSoil management
dc.subjectSeed - Inoculation
dc.subjectPhytopathogenic bacteria
dc.subjectSoybean - Seed
dc.titleAssociação de inoculantes bacterianos e micorrizico na soja orgânica e convencional

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