dc.contributorGuepfrih, Marcelo Flavio
dc.contributorGuepfrih, Marcelo Flavio
dc.contributorStein, Carlos Marcelo de Oliveira
dc.contributorTorrico, César Rafael Claure
dc.creatorMoraes, Cassiano Ferro
dc.identifierMORAES, Cassiano Ferro. Retificador monofásico dobrador de tensão com elevado fator de potência. 2016. 75 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Pato Branco, 2016.
dc.description.abstractApplications involving continuous signals in electrical equipment have been increasingly recurring, thus allowing a extensive use of AC-DC converters, generally called voltage rectifiers. The usual topologies of these converters use semiconductor diodes to the signal rectification. However, these topologies, when it makes use of capacitive filters in output, have the aggravation of providing a high rate of harmonic distortion and low power factor. There are several ways to fix this problem, which consists in make the input voltage and input current stay in phase, in this working paper it was possible by the hysteresis current control. At first, a characterization of main uncontrolled rectifier topologies was made and a controlled topology was studied, the single-phase voltage doubler rectfier, which makes use of controlled semiconductor switches. For this topology was desired a high real power factor and low total harmonic current distortion. In sequence, a modeling for this converter was developed, as well a hysteresis current control simulation. Subsequently, some of main uncontrolled rectfiers were implemented, as well as a voltage doubler controlled rectifier prototype, which enabled the validation of expected theoretical results. Finally, the extracted results were compared related with energy quality, analysing the coherence with 61000-3-2 IEC and 414/2010 ANEEL regulations. From this comparison was possible to note the superiority of controlled voltage doubler rectifier related to uncontrolled voltage doubler rectifier, for example. For uncontrolled topology was obtained a real power factor of 0,58 and a total harmonic current distortion of 80,88%. While for the controlled topology was obtained a real power factor of 0,99 and a total harmonic current distortion of 7,79%, demonstrating the adequacy of this topology to IEC and ANEEL regulations, differently of the uncontrolled topology.
dc.publisherUniversidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná
dc.publisherPato Branco
dc.publisherDepartamento Acadêmico de Elétrica
dc.publisherEngenharia Elétrica
dc.subjectRetificadores de corrente elétrica
dc.subjectEnergia elétrica - Distribuição
dc.subjectFator de potência
dc.subjectElectric current rectifiers
dc.subjectElectric power distribution
dc.subjectElectric power factor
dc.titleRetificador monofásico dobrador de tensão com elevado fator de potência

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