dc.contributorPaula, Adalberto Luiz de
dc.contributorPaula, Adalberto Luiz de
dc.contributorAbreu, Daniela Cleide Azevedo de
dc.contributorVieira, Frederico Márcio Corrêa
dc.creatorColombo, Maura
dc.identifierCOLOMBO, Maura. Determinação do consumo hídrico e coeficiente de cultura de espécies de fruteiras nativas. 2014. 45 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação em Engenharia Florestal) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Dois Vizinhos, 2014.
dc.description.abstractThe study aimed to determine the water consumption (ETc) and the Coefficient of Culture (Kc) of three native fruit: cerejeira-da-mata, pitangueira and jabuticabeira. The experimental unit was composed of fifteen drainage lysimeters, divided into five replicates for each species. Lysimeters were put in covered place to isolate the effect of rainwater location. The crop evapotranspiration was determined by lysimeter drainage, reference evapotranspiration was obtained from data from the meteorological station of SIMEPAR Francisco Beltrão and the crop coefficients were obtained from the relationship between ETp and Kc. The highest values of ETc and ETp were observed in the months of December and January, and the mean values of ETc obtained for cerejeira-da-mata, pitangueira end jabuticabeira were 6.00; 6.63 and 6.84 mm day-1. Kc values were 0.78 for cerejeira-da-mata; 0.84 for pitangueira and 0.87 for jabuticabeira. It was observed that the cerejeira-da-mata showed a lower water consumption and Kc, differing significantly from the remaining species. The jabuticabeira showed the highest ETc and Kc values for the studied period. Difference between species may be due to morphological and physiological differences existing between species, even they are the same family.
dc.publisherUniversidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná
dc.publisherDois Vizinhos
dc.publisherEngenharia Florestal
dc.subjectÁrvores - Mudas
dc.subjectÁrvores frutíferas
dc.subjectTrees - Seedlings
dc.subjectFruit trees
dc.titleDeterminação do consumo hídrico e coeficiente de cultura de espécies de fruteiras nativas

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