dc.contributorPegorini, Vinicius
dc.contributorPegorini, Vinicius
dc.contributorBorsoi, Beatriz Terezinha
dc.contributorAriati, Adriana
dc.contributorPontarolo, Edilson
dc.creatorRech, Roberson
dc.identifierRECH, Roberson. Software para controle de projetos utilizando a metodologia Scrum. 2017. 48 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Pato Branco, 2017.
dc.description.abstractThe management of software development projects imposes some difficulties for its managers. To improve the experience with software development we have the Software Engineering, which provides us with many methodologies able to assist in the management of these projects, one of these methodologies is Scrum, which will be the main subject of this work, this methodology gives project managers greater involvement with the client and gives the participants of this project a greater freedom of work without imposing processes and with little documentation to be done. This work presents the development of a desktop system capable of managing projects through the Scrum methodology. The processes involved in project management through Scrum are addressed during the work, describing its functions and objectives. Finally, the results of the study of the application of the Scrum methodology are presented with the objective of demonstrating that it is possible to manage software projects with this methodology, which is suitable to be used from the simplest to the most complex and innovative projects.
dc.publisherUniversidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná
dc.publisherPato Branco
dc.publisherDepartamento Acadêmico de Informática
dc.publisherEngenharia de Computação
dc.subjectEngenharia de software
dc.subjectDesenvolvimento ágil de software
dc.subjectScrum (Desenvolvimento de software)
dc.subjectSoftware engineering
dc.subjectAgile software development
dc.subjectScrum (Computer software development)
dc.titleSoftware para controle de projetos utilizando a metodologia Scrum

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