dc.contributorNascimento, Thiago Cavalcante
dc.creatorCustódio, Aracelli Pereira Mota
dc.identifierCUSTÓDIO, Aracelli Pereira Mota. Prevenção ao uso indevido de drogas: estudo de caso das políticas públicas do município de Itapeva-SP. 2014. 48 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Especialização) – Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, 2014.
dc.description.abstractConsidering that the problems related to drug use are a current and pulsing theme, this research presents a theoretical and conceptual approach to the problems of their misuse, focused on prevention. It discusses the concepts of chemical dependency, usage patterns and presents some statistics concerning their consumption. It also presents public policy at national and municipal level, besides, it approaches the risk factors and protection factors referring their use. Still, it sets the basic principles for the development of prevention programmes and national guidelines for consumption prevention campaigns and it stresses the importance of intersectorality in confronting actions of drugs misuse, with the participation of civil society and municipal councils, particularly COMAD (Drugs Policies Municipal Council). Complemented by a field research, this study found, through questionnaires, how Drugs Policies are implemented in the municipality of Itapeva - São Paulo and their main difficulties. With the field research, it was concluded that, if the municipality wants to advance their public policies, it is necessary the prioritization of preventive actions of the problems related to drugs use, as well as the creation of a department which performs the actions and implementation of a Municipal Program about the issue.
dc.publisherUniversidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná
dc.publisherDepartamento Acadêmico de Gestão e Economia
dc.subjectPolítica pública
dc.subjectDrogas - Abuso - Prevenção
dc.subjectAdministração pública
dc.subjectPublic policy
dc.subjectDrug abuse - Prevention
dc.subjectPublic administration
dc.titlePrevenção ao uso indevido de drogas: estudo de caso das políticas públicas do município de Itapeva-SP

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