dc.contributorBittencourt, Juliana Vitoria Messias
dc.contributorMatos, Eloiza Aparecida Silva Avila de
dc.creatorAlvarenga, Tiago Henrique de Paula
dc.identifierALVARENGA, Tiago Henrique de Paula. Cenário da gestão da qualidade nos laticínios de micro e pequeno porte da região dos Campos Gerais no Paraná. 2013. 97 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Engenharia de Produção) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Ponta Grossa, 2013.
dc.description.abstractThe eating habits of the Brazilian people suffered a remarkable change from the mid 90’s. This fact was due to the falling price of milk and its derivatives. So, strategically large -sized national and multinational industries invested in dairy, as well as small industries targeting a retention of part of the share of this growing market. The State of Paraná in Brazil has stood out in recent years on the national scene in both milk production and in industrial production. According to the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) the state produces 3.3 billion liters of milk / year, ranking third in the national ranking of milk production, and of this total are processed 2.1 billion liters of milk/year, 67% of production in the state. Data from a survey conducted by the Paraná Institute of Economic and Social Development (IPARDES), revealed that the present population of dairy industries in the state of Paraná, 2 8% are represented by dairy micro scale industries and 55% are represented by industries dairy small, totaling a percentage of 83% of dairy surveyed statewide. However, the small national dairy organizations are lacking of competitiveness strategies in relation to market and product quality. Aware of this information and because of the importance that quality has on the food industry this paper aims to identify which stage of the "Ages" of the quality described by Garvin (2002), the micro and small dairies of Campos Gerais region in Paraná State are positioned. To achieve this objective this research examined the relationship between indicators and the use of quality tools. Unable to search 10 of 13 companies of the population of dairy owners seal Certification Inspection Service of Paraná (SIP) and the Federal Inspection Service (SIF) in the Campos Gerais region of Paraná state. The methodology used was based on a descriptive qualitative research which was used as a research tool on-site visits and application of a semi structured questionnaire with open and closed questions. It was identified that dairy industries surveyed comply with current legislation using the tools that provide the product quality free from contamination. The present study was also able to characterize the setting of quality with respect to the evolving context of "Eras quality” (Inspection, Statistical Quality Control, Quality Assurance and Strategic Quality Management), and such dairy industries are targeted for management aimed at ensuring product quality. Nevertheless, the dairies have no strategic actions and not use the tools to your fingertips.
dc.publisherUniversidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná
dc.publisherPonta Grossa
dc.publisherPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de Produção
dc.subjectGestão da qualidade total
dc.subjectTotal quality management
dc.titleCenário da gestão da qualidade nos laticínios de micro e pequeno porte da região dos Campos Gerais do Paraná

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