dc.creatorBarata-Vallejo, Sebastian
dc.creatorSbarbati Nudelman, Norma
dc.creatorPostigo, Al
dc.description.abstractThis account is focused on highlighting the recent advances on synthetically-useful organic reactions employing siliconcentered radicals in water, and presenting new reactions in water, mediated by silyl radicals. In doing so, several types of organic radical transformations will be discussed, such as reduction of organic halides utilizing non toxic organosilane reducing agents in water, transformation of azides into amines, synthesis of protecting silyl ethers in water, hydrosilylation reactions of carbon-carbon double and triple bonds, and radical cyclization reactions in water induced by silicon-centered radicals. More recently, intermolecular radical carboncarbon bond formation reactions mediated by silyl radicals have allowed the synthesis of perfluoroalkyl-substituted compounds in water, widening the scope for the syntheses of fluorophoes.
dc.publisherUniversidad de Belgrano - Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales - Proyectos de Investigación
dc.relationCurrent Organic Chemistry;Volume 15, Number 11, June 2011, pp. 1826-1842(17)
dc.subjectsilyl radicals in water
dc.subjectradical carbon-carbon bond formation in water
dc.subjectchain carrier
dc.subjectportador de la cadena
dc.subjectformación de enlaces carbono-carbono radical en agua
dc.subjectradicales sililo en el agua
dc.titleOrganic Synthesis in Water Mediated By Silyl Radicals
dc.typeArtículos de revistas

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