Rethinking the governance of state-owned enterprises in Puerto Rico
Rethinking the governance of state-owned enterprises in Puerto Rico
Marxuach, Sergio M.
The executive branch of the government of Puerto Rico carries out its operations through two distinct sets of administrative structures. On the one hand, there are theagencies and departments, such as the Justice and the Treasury departments, which constitute the “central government” of the Commonwealth. On the other hand, there are the state-owned enterprises, commonly known as “public corporations” in Puerto Rico, which constitute what we may call the “other” central government of Puerto Rico. La rama ejecutiva del gobierno de Puerto Rico lleva a cabo sus operaciones a través de dos conjuntos distintos de estructuras administrativas. Por un lado, están las agencias y departamentos, como los departamentos de Justicia y Hacienda, que constituyen el “gobierno central” del Estado Libre Asociado. Por otro lado, están las empresas estatales, comúnmente conocidas como “corporaciones públicas” en Puerto Rico, que constituyen lo que podemos llamar el “otro” gobierno central de Puerto Rico.