Studies on Early Weaning of Pigs
Título en español.
Seventeen litters of pigs were divided into three groups and each group was weaned at a different age. Weaning ages were 21, 42, and 56 days. The pigs weaned at 21 days were started on a ration suited for small pigs; it consisted of about 20-percent crude protein 1 week before the weaning date. All the others were started on the same ration at 21 days. The feed consumption of each group was recorded. All of the pigs were weighed at 21, 42, and 56 days. The evaluation of each weaning method was based on these two characteristics. The results obtained indicated that there was a highly significant difference in favor of the pigs weaned at the customary 56-day age. They consumed less concentrate feed and weighed more at weaning time, favored, no doubt, by the additional milk obtained from theh dams. If weaning is to occur at all before 56 days, it apparently should occur at 21, rather than at 42 days. Since differences are not significant between these two groups, weaning at 21 days will save some time and extra labor. Diecisiete lechigadas de cerdos se dividieron en tres grupos y cada grupo se destetó a edades distintas. Las edades al tiempo del destete fueron: 21, 42, y 56 días. A los cerditos destetados a los 21 días de edad se les comenzó a proveer una ración de crecimiento una semana antes de destetarlos. Todos los demás cerditos empezaron a consumir esta ración a los 21 días de edad. El consumo de alimento de cada grupo se anotó y todos los cerditos se pesaron a los, 21, 42, y 56 días de edad. La evaluación de cada época de destete se hizo basada en estas dos características. Los resultados obtenidos indicaron una diferencia altamente significativa a favor de los cerditos destetados a los 56 días. Ellos consumieron menos alimento concentrado y pesaron más al tiempo del destete, favorecidos, indiscutiblemente, por la leche adicional que obtuvieron de sus madres. Las diferencias entre el destete a los 21 días y a los 42 días no fueron significativas, por lo que parece que, si se va a destetar antes de los 56 días, ésto debe hacerse a los 21 días.