dc.creatorYagci Sokat, Kezban
dc.creatorZhou, Rui
dc.creatorDolinskaya, Irina S.
dc.creatorSmilowitz, Karen
dc.creatorChan, Jennifer
dc.descriptionThe volume, accuracy, accessibility and level of detail of near real-time data emerging from disaster-affected regions continue to significantly improve. Integration of dynamically evolving in-field data is an important, yet often overlooked, component of the humanitarian logistics models. In this paper, we present a framework for real-time humanitarian logistics data focused on use in mathematical modeling along with modeling implications of this framework. We also discuss how one might measure the attributes of the framework and describe the application of the presented framework to a case study of near real-time data collection in the days following the landfall of Typhoon Haiyan. We detail our first-hand experience of capturing data as the post-disaster response unfolds starting on November 10, 2013 until March 31, 2014 and assess the characteristics and evolution of data pertaining to humanitarian logistics modeling using the proposed framework. The presented logistical content analysis examines the availability of data and informs modelers about the current state of near real-time data. This analysis illustrates what data is available, how early it is available, and how data changes after the disaster. The study describes how our humanitarian logistics team approached the emergence of dynamic online data after the disaster and the challenges faced during the collection process, as well as recommendations to address these challenges in the future (when possible) from an academic humanitarian logistics perspective.en-US
dc.publisherFGV EAESPen-US
dc.rightsCopyright (c) 2016 Journal of Operations and Supply Chain Managementpt-BR
dc.sourceJournal of Operations and Supply Chain Management; Vol. 9 No. 1 (2016): January - June; 23-54en-US
dc.sourceJournal of Operations and Supply Chain Management; v. 9 n. 1 (2016): January - June; 23-54pt-BR
dc.subjectHumanitarian logisticsen-US
dc.subjectreal-time dataen-US
dc.subjectlogistical modelingen-US
dc.subjectTyphoon Haiyan.en-US
dc.titleCapturing Real-Time Data in Disaster Response Logisticsen-US

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