dc.contributorTalento, Stefanie. Universidad de la República (Uruguay). Facultad de Ciencias. Instituto de Física.
dc.creatorHuan Zhang
dc.creatorWerner, Johannes P.
dc.creatorGarcía-Bustamante, Elena
dc.creatorGonzález-Rouco, Fidel
dc.creatorWagner, Sebastián
dc.creatorZorita, Eduardo
dc.creatorFraedrich, Klaus
dc.creatorJungclaus, Johann H.
dc.creatorLjungqvist, Fredrik Charpentier
dc.creatorXiuhua Zhu
dc.creatorXoplaki, Elena
dc.creatorFahu Chen
dc.creatorJianping Duan
dc.creatorQuansheng Ge
dc.creatorZhixin Hao
dc.creatorIvanov, Martin
dc.creatorSchneider, Lea
dc.creatorTalento, Stefanie
dc.creatorJianglin Wang
dc.creatorBao, Yang
dc.creatorLuterbacher, Jürg
dc.identifierZhang, H., y otros. "East Asian warm season temperature variations over the past two millennia". Scientific Reports, 2018, 8: 7702. doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-26038-8 
dc.description.abstractEast Asia has experienced strong warming since the 1960s accompanied by an increased frequency of heat waves and shrinking glaciers over the Tibetan Plateau and the Tien Shan. Here, we place the recent warmth in a long-term perspective by presenting a new spatially resolved warm-season (May-September) temperature reconstruction for the period 1–2000 CE using 59 multiproxy records from a wide range of East Asian regions. Our Bayesian Hierarchical Model (BHM) based reconstructions generally agree with earlier shorter regional temperatura reconstructions but are more stable due to additional temperature sensitive proxies. We find a rather warm period during the first two centuries CE, followed by a multi-century long cooling period and again a warm interval covering the 900–1200 CE period (Medieval Climate Anomaly, MCA). The interval from 1450 to 1850 CE (Little Ice Age, LIA) was characterized by cooler conditions and the last 150 years are characterized by a continuous warming until recent times. Our results also suggest that the 1990s were likely the warmest decade in at least 1200 years. The comparison between an ensemble of climate model simulations and our summer reconstructions since 850 CE shows good agreement and an important role of internal variability and external forcing on multi-decadal time-scales.
dc.publisherNature Publishing Group
dc.relationScientific Reports, 2018, 8, art. no. 7702
dc.rightsLicencia Creative Commons Atribución (CC –BY 4.0)
dc.rightsLas obras depositadas en el Repositorio se rigen por la Ordenanza de los Derechos de la Propiedad Intelectual de la Universidad De La República. (Res. Nº 91 de C.D.C. de 8/III/1994 – D.O. 7/IV/1994) y por la Ordenanza del Repositorio Abierto de la Universidad de la República (Res. Nº 16 de C.D.C. de 07/10/2014)
dc.subjectTemperature variations
dc.subjectClimate model
dc.subjectEast Asia temperature
dc.titleEast Asian warm season temperature variations over the past two millennia

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