dc.creatorRojas, Héctor
dc.creatorColina, Claudia
dc.creatorRamos, Magaly
dc.creatorBenaím, Gustavo
dc.creatorJaffe, Erica
dc.creatorCaputo, Carlo
dc.creatorDi Polo, Reinaldo
dc.identifier2214-8019 (Electronic)
dc.identifier0065-2598 (Linking)
dc.identifier0065-2598 (Print)
dc.identifierDOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-4756-6_22,
dc.descriptionWe have previously demonstrated that rat cerebellar type-1 astrocytes express a very active Na+/Ca2+ exchanger which accounts for most of the total plasma membrane Ca2+ fluxes and for the clearance of Cai 2+ induce by physiological agonist. In this chapter, we have explored the mechanism by which the reverse Na+/Ca2+ exchange is involved in agonistinduced Ca2+ signalling in rat cerebellar astrocytes. Laser-scanning confocal microscopy experiments using immunofluorescence labelling of Na+/Ca2+ exchanger and RyRs demonstrated that they are highly co-localized. The most important finding presented in this chapter is that L-glutamate activates the reverse mode of the Na+/Ca2+ exchange by inducing a Na+ entry through the electrogenic Na+-glutamate co-transporter and not through the ionophoric L-glutamate receptors as confirmed by pharmacological experiments with specific blockers of ionophoric L-glutamate receptors, electrogenic glutamate transporters and the Na/Ca exchange.
dc.descriptionH. Rojas; C. Colina; M. Ramos; E. Jaffe; C. Caputo; R. Di Polo. Laboratorio de Fisiología Celular, Centro de Biofísica, Instituto Venezolano de Investigaciones Científicas (IVIC), Caracas, Venezuela e-mail: rdipolo@gmail.com Gustavo. Benaim Laboratorio de Señalización Celular, Instituto de Estudios Avanzados (IDEA), Caracas, Venezuela.
dc.publisherAdvances in Experimental Medicine and Biology
dc.relationVol. 961;pp:267-274
dc.subjectNa+/Ca2+ exchange
dc.subjectGlutamate transporter
dc.subjectplasma membrane Ca2+
dc.subjectclearance of Cai 2+
dc.titleSodium-Calcium Exchanger Modulates the l-Glutamate Cai 2+ Signalling in Type-1 Cerebellar Astrocytes

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