dc.creatorPáez, Tomás
dc.descriptionThis article addresses the conceptual and theoretical perspectives from where the subjects of ethics and corporate social responsibilities are analyzed, focusing the attention on the area of medium and small enterprises. The article presents the work methodology and the technique used in the study and presents the preliminary results of the fieldwork. The study is encouraged by the overall purpose of characterizing, knowing and understanding the perceptions, knowledge, leading practices and the exercise of ethics and social responsibility. It presents a first estimate of the investment the SME destines to the realization of projects, programs and initiatives with social responsibility. The assessment includes both, the activities and programs that the companies develops with its workers, managers and shareholders or investors, such as those designed to meet the requirements of the community and the environment. It aims to build indicators and indices to characterize the current situation that can be monitored later on. This is a unique effort. First, the study was done nationwide. Secondly, it applies to a sample of more than 400 companies, medium and small. This last feature is of great importance, being that, until now, the discussion on the issue has revolved primarily around large companies. Finally, this study is part of a broader and more ambitious project: the construction of the third of the SME Center of Venezuela. With this we give continuity to the previous observations, the first was done in 2001 and the second in 2004. Abstract This article analyzed de most important theories and paradigms of enterprise ethics and social responsibility. Its character is unique: is the first national study on social responsibility, it’s also the first study in the small and medium enterprises and is the first time we obtained information about the quantities that SME invest in social responsibility programs. The objectives of the research are: 1. Providing a conceptual analysis of SME ethics and corporate social responsibility. 2. Identifying the main practices of social responsibility 3. Building the main indicators of the social responsibility programs 4. Characterizing the knowledge of entrepreneur of SME about social responsibility and ethics. These research has been possible thanks to the support of the following institutions: Scientific and humanistic council of Central University of Venezuela, the students of sociology school of the central university, The center for the disclosure of economic knowledge for freedom (Cedice) and the center for technical advice for the organizational productivity ( CEATPRO). Keywords: Ethics, social responsibility, Smal and Medium Enterprises (SME), enterprise, social economics, model of economic rationality, SME Observatory
dc.subjectSmall and Medium Enterprise. Competitiveness. Social Responsability.
dc.titleTheoretical and practical notions about ethics and social responsibility of theSMEs

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