dc.creatorJarvis, Paul Antony
dc.creatorBonadonna, Costanza
dc.creatorDomínguez, Lucía
dc.creatorForte, Pablo
dc.creatorFrischknecht, Corine
dc.creatorBran, Donaldo
dc.creatorAguilar Contreras, Rigoberto
dc.creatorBeckett, Frances
dc.creatorElissondo, Manuela
dc.creatorGillies, John
dc.creatorKueppers, Ulrich
dc.creatorMerrison, Jonathan
dc.creatorVarley, Nick
dc.creatorWallace, Kristi
dc.identifierJarvis, P.A., Bonadonna, C., Dominguez, L., Forte, P., Frischknecht, C., Bran, D., Aguilar, R., Beckett, F., Elissondo, M., Gillies, J., Kueppers, U., Merrison, J., Varley, N., & Wallace, K.L. (2020). Aeolian remobilisation of volcanic ash: outcomes of a workshop in the Argentinian Patagonia. Frontiers in Earth Science, 8: 575184. https://doi.org/10.3389/feart.2020.575184
dc.identifierFrontiers in Earth Science
dc.identifierFrontiers in Earth Science, volumen 8, artículo 575184, noviembre 2020
dc.description.abstractDuring explosive volcanic eruptions, large quantities of tephra can be dispersed and deposited over wide areas. Following deposition, subsequent aeolian remobilisation of ash can potentially exacerbate primary impacts on timescales of months to millennia. Recent ash remobilisation events (e.g., following eruptions of Cordón Caulle 2011; Chile, and Eyjafjallajökull 2010, Iceland) have highlighted this to be a recurring phenomenon with consequences for human health, economic sectors, and critical infrastructure. Consequently, scientists from observatories and Volcanic Ash Advisory Centers (VAACs), as well as researchers from fields including volcanology, aeolian processes and soil sciences, convened at the San Carlos de Bariloche headquarters of the Argentinian National Institute of Agricultural Technology to discuss the “state of the art” for field studies of remobilised deposits as well as monitoring, modeling and understanding ash remobilisation. In this article, we identify practices for field characterisation of deposits and active processes, including mapping, particle characterisation and sediment traps. Furthermore, since forecast models currently rely on poorly-constrained dust emission schemes, we call for laboratory and field measurements to better parameterise the flux of volcanic ash as a function of friction velocity.While source area location and extent are currently the primary inputs for dispersion models, once emission schemes become more sophisticated and better constrained, other parameters will also become important (e.g., source material volume and properties, effective precipitation, type and distribution of vegetation cover, friction velocity). Thus, aeolian ash remobilisation hazard and associated impact assessment require systematic monitoring, including the development of a regularly-updated spatial database of resuspension source areas.
dc.publisherFrontiers Media
dc.sourceRepositorio Institucional INGEMMET
dc.sourceInstituto Geológico, Minero y Metalúrgico – INGEMMET
dc.subjectCeniza volcánica
dc.subjectTransporte y deposición
dc.subjectPeligros volcánicos
dc.subjectMonitoreo de volcanes
dc.subjectAeolian processes
dc.subjectVolcanic ash
dc.subjectAsh remobilisation
dc.subjectHazard monitoring
dc.subjectAsh resuspension
dc.titleAeolian remobilisation of volcanic ash: outcomes of a workshop in the Argentinian Patagonia

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