dc.creatorArmijos Burneo, María Teresa
dc.creatorManrique Llerena, Nélida
dc.identifierArmijos, M. & Manrique, N. (2018). Encounters with the volcano: community knowledge exchange on responses to impacts to volcanic ash in Ecuador and Peru. En: Corsaro, R.A.; Di Giuseppe, M.G.; Isaia, R.; Mormone, A.; Nave, R., eds. Millenia of Stratification between Human Life and Volcanoes: strategies for coexistence. Abstracts Volume of the International Cities on Volcanoes 10, 2-7 September 2018, Napoli, Italy. Roma: Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Miscellanea INGV, 43, p. 1055.
dc.identifier10th International Cities on Volcanoes “Millenia of Stratification between Human Life and Volcanoes: strategies for coexistence”, Napoli, Italy, 2-7 September 2018. Abstracts Volume.
dc.description.abstractIn recent years, innovative methodologies to communicate volcanic hazards and risk have been developed through film, art and past narratives of volcanic eruptions. At the same time, it has been recognised that understanding hazards, managing risk and building resilience requires transdisciplinary research that engages with communities at risk. Despite this, more attention needs to be paid to how different types of knowledges, including non-scientific forms of understanding and experiencing volcanic hazards can help people respond to them in the long term. This presentation will explore the results of a knowledge exchange workshop where farmers, scientist and local authorities from Ecuador and Peru shared their experiences and responses to volcanic ash impacts. The workshop was designed as a medium of knowledge exchange and learning using different methodologies and approaches from the social and physical sciences complemented with art. Specifically, the presentation considers the transfer of knowledge and experience gained through long term exposure to volcanic ash that allowed people to adapt and transform their livelihoods at Volcán Tungurahua, Ecuador. Adaptation measures included, changes in types of crops farmed locally and the development of a range of measures to protect livestock. During the workshop carried out in the surrounding communities of Sabancaya volcano, Peru, Ecuadorian farmers and scientist shared their knowledge with their Peruvian counterparts though presentations, video, conversation, storytelling and visits to farms. Art, including drawing and painting was used to generate spaces for dialogue and knowledge exchange between the different participants.
dc.publisherIstituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia
dc.sourceRepositorio Institucional INGEMMET
dc.sourceInstituto Geológico, Minero y Metalúrgico – INGEMMET
dc.subjectCeniza volcánica
dc.subjectRiesgo volcánico
dc.subjectGestión de riesgos
dc.subjectRelaciones con la comunidad
dc.titleEncounters with the volcano: community knowledge exchange on responses to impacts to volcanic ash in Ecuador and Peru
dc.typeActas de congresos

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