dc.creatorVallejo Saldarriaga, José Francisco
dc.description.abstractThe Investigation goes into the relations among social abilities and the sexuality in the Instituto Materno Perinatal's adolescent pregnant women ( Former - Maternity of Lima ) and the Institute Materno Infantil ( Hospital San Bartolomé ) and a sign of contrast of teens no pregnant. He has investigated to a sign of 386 adolescent pregnant women and 409 teens no pregnant, to the ones that they apply themselves to them the Skills Inventory social of Goldstein and a test of knowledge, attitudes and sexual behavior, elaborated and validated specifically for the present it investigation. The no pregnant teens present social higher abilities than adolescent pregnant women. being the social abilities and the sexuality correlated in significant form in the ages of 15 to 19 elderly years and in the level of secondary school in pregnant women. The adolescent pregnant women's social abilities reveal deficit in the level advanced, that they are abilities related with sentiments, alternatives in front of aggression and ab ities to face up to stress. In the area of sexuality, the deficit takes place in knowledge and sexual and reproductive behavior, as well as not much self-control, the incapacity to negotiate and emotions and inadequate sentiments they would play a fundamental role in adolescent pregnancy.
dc.publisherUniversidad San Ignacio de Loyola
dc.sourceUniversidad San Ignacio de Loyola
dc.sourceRepositorio Institucional - USIL
dc.subjectPregnant adolescent
dc.subjectCocial abilities
dc.subjectSexual knowledge
dc.subjectSexual attitudes
dc.subjectSexual and reproductive behavior
dc.subjectEmbarazo adolescente
dc.subjectHabilidades sociales
dc.subjectConocimientos sexuales
dc.subjectActitudes sexuales
dc.subjectComportamiento sexual y reproductivo
dc.titleLas habilidades sociales y la sexualidad en adolescentes embarazadas y no embarazadas

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