The changing face of HIV in Latin America and the Caribbean
Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) is a region with similarities and important disparities. In recent years LAC has witnessed achievements, with HIV prevalence rates relatively stable for LA and decreasing for the Caribbean. However average values hide differences. General population HIV prevalence in LAC is 0.4 % on average. In the Caribbean there are fewer new HIV infections but HIV prevalence among adults exceeds 1 % in several countries. It is estimated that 31 % of adults living with HIV in LA and 52 % of adults in the Caribbean are women. Unprotected sex is the main route of HIV transmission in LAC. Men who have sex with men and transgender women are the populations with the highest prevalence (10.6 % and 17.7 % respectively); however other key populations such as female sex workers (4.9 %), drug users (range 1 %-49.7 % for intravenous drug users), prisoners and indigenous populations are also important. LAC has the highest anti-retroviral treatment coverage of any low- and middle-income region in the world, but women and children are less likely than men to receive treatment. There is an important pending agenda to address the gaps in information, prevention, and care for HIV in LAC.