Strengthen disasters preparedness within clinical engineering-CE expertise and knowledge
Clinical Engineering supports the effectiveness of diagnosis and treatment; it also provides expert knowledge as health technology management, health technology planning, health technology assessment and other essential topics related to the research, organization, planning, regulation and policy of health and the delivery of healthcare services. Clinical Engineering’s expertise is effective responding the needs of a location affected by natural disasters like earthquakes and floods, wars or other devastations where the requirement to ensure the functioning of the health systems at the situation of an emergency in the country is expected. The purpose of this document is to promote the pertinence and effectiveness of Clinical Engineering-CE’s knowledge, methods, tools and skills to improve Disasters preparedness, the competencies of Clinical Engineering experts are valuable to improve the level of quality of Disaster Preparedness; the cases of United States and Peru provide insights and cases related to the Clinical Engineering’s pertinence and value to Disaster Preparedness.