dc.creatorCaldas Ñique, Carol Jacqueline
dc.description.abstractThe present thesis takes as a target to determine the influence of the application of Continuous progress in the inventor Costs of the Processes of Management of Provisions of the Company gas Operator of the Amazon (Coga), company with more than seven years of operation in the country, entrusted to guarantee Operation and Maintenance of the System of Transport of Natural gas. The unit of analysis of this investigation - that is the Management of Provisions of Coga - is shaped by the following subprocesses: Management of the Request, of Supplyings and Storage. The same ones that were studied for Deductive method and under a Pre-experimental design. This study answers to methodology of the DMAIC (to define, to measure, to analyze, to improve and to control), considered a robust and universal tool of the continuous progress. Every stage of this methodology has a procedure to continue and involves different skills and hardware for the compilation and prosecution of information. In this work, diverse skills have got together, from observation of a process, the direct interviews, layouts, analysis of historical information and up to complex calculations. In the first stage, different problems were identified, thinking of major critical nature, that one that was indicating a cost of inventor possession of 26 % - overcoming the index expected by the company: from 13 to 15 %-In this sense, target of the continuous progress, it would be the reduction of the inventor costs: cost of arranging, storage and possession. There were analyzed the causes roots that unleashed the increase of this number and one determined that the main reason of the same age the growth of the decrease or not available materials, in the last three years of analysis; due to the revenue of materials that were bought by erroneous specifications or to the maintenance of stores without title roles, precautionary plates, certificates and others. Added to this and in equal measurement, the ignorance of the processes of the management of supplyings and stores, between other causes. Identified the causes of the general problem, a proposals list appears of progress for the reduction of the inventor costs, between them: the diffusion of the procedures and norms of the organization, the dressmaking of practical guides for the generation of the request and the involucramiento of the technical areas specialized like engineering, for the definition of the specifications of request. The ratification of the proposals of progress and its quantification, it has demonstrated raised hypothesis, verifying that only in the first year of the implementation of the continuous progress in the provisions management, it is possible to obtain better management results, as for example: the reduction of the cost of possession of 26.15 % to 21.06 %, the reduction of 6.3 % of the cost of storage and of one 0.9 % of the cost of arranging.
dc.publisherUniversidad Nacional de Trujillo
dc.sourceUniversidad Nacional de Trujillo
dc.sourceRepositorio institucional - UNITRU
dc.subjectMejora continua, Reducir costos de inventarios, Compañía operadora de gas del amazonas, Procesos de gestión de suministros
dc.title"mejora continua para reducir los costos de inventarios de los procesos de gestión de suministros de compañía operadora de gas del amazonas"

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