Between the atelier and the shop window. Raquel Forner interventions in Harrods

dc.creatorBertúa, Paula
dc.descriptionEn los años cuarenta y hasta avanzada la década siguiente, en paralelo a sus proyectos plásticos de largo aliento –que se plasmaron en la serie de óleos monumentales, alusivos y alegóricos a las guerras mundiales–, Raquel Forner colaboró regularmente en un proyecto que, en principio, parecería bastante distante de aquel: la ambientación de las vidrieras de la célebre tienda inglesa Harrods de la calle Florida. Sin embargo, como se intentará demostrar, esas intervenciones presuntamente frívolas en el mundo de la moda establecen lazos comunicantes tanto con las búsquedas estéticas que la artista desarrolló de manera simultánea en sus series pictóricas, como con la coyuntura histórico-social de mediados de siglo xx, tensionada por debates estéticos y políticos.
dc.descriptionIn the 40s and well into the next decade, in parallel with their plastic long-term projects which were reflected in the series of monumental, allusive and allegorical oil paintings of the world wars, Raquel Forner regularly collaborated on a project that in principle seems quite distant from that: the setting of the shop windows of the famous English store Harrods in Florida street. However, as we will try to demonstrate, those allegedly frivolous interventions in the fashion world set communicants ties with both aesthetic pursuits that the artist carried out simultaneously in his pictorial series, as the socialhistorical conjuncture of the mid-twentieth century, stressed for aesthetic and political debates.
dc.descriptionFacultad de Bellas Artes
dc.relationBoletín de Arte
dc.relationno. 16
dc.rightsCreative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
dc.subjectBellas Artes
dc.titleEntre el atelier y el escaparate : Las intervenciones de Raquel Forner en Harrods
dc.titleBetween the atelier and the shop window. Raquel Forner interventions in Harrods

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