New energy levels of the 4<i>s</i><sup>2</sup>4<i>p</i>5<i>s</i>, 4<i>s</i><sup>2</sup>4<i>p</i>4<i>d</i> and 4<i>s</i><sup>2</sup>4<i>p</i>5<i>p</i> configurations of the Kr v spectrum
Raineri, María Mónica
Bredice, Fausto Osvaldo
Gallardo, Mario O.
Trigueiros, A. G.
Reyna Almandos, Jorge Guillermo
The spectrum of four times-ionized krypton (Kr v) has been observed in the 240-2500 Â wavelength range. Three of the four possible levels of the 4s<sup>2</sup>4p5s configuration and two of the three remaining energy level values for the 4s<sup>2</sup>4p4d configurations were determined. Nine of the ten possible levels for the 4s<sup>2</sup>4p5p configuration are also reported. The observed configurations were interpreted theoretically by means of Hartree-Fock relativistic calculations and a least squares fit of the energy parameters to the observed levels. 111 new classified lines are reported among the 4s<sup>2</sup>4p<sup>2</sup>, 4s<sup>2</sup>4p5p, 4s4p<sup>3</sup>, 4s<sup>2</sup>4p5s, and 4s<sup>2</sup>4p4d configurations. Facultad de Ingeniería