dc.creatorPacheco Campos, Hugo Eudes
dc.creatorMoreno Ulloa, Jorge Luis
dc.description.abstractA basic requirement for computer forensics is to take effect digital evidence, which is crucial when declaring a suspect guilty or innocent, in this line is spoken of how to collect digital evidence and how to qualify for the evidence is admitted as valid evidence probative value or within a case, as certain countries to this new type of evidence had to regulate their admission in a court of justice. This thesis is a review of the best tools both hardware and software available on the market which are necessary to collect digital evidence because such evidence must be identical to the original and should remain unchanged crime scene. To this end a studied of the methodology CP4DF (Code of Practice for Digital Forensic) Computer Forensics in the study of crime, based on forensic analysis of a system that involves primarily the collection of information scattered throughout the system and subsequently an analysis of it, the more complete and accurate result that information will be more truthful analysis. Proper storage of information of the original system has a key role in research, so that the processing of the same should be done on a copy of the data of the original system was used for this free software (Open Source) for able to generate valid evidence to clarify crimes. In practice, it has the resolution of a case, with the image of a flash memory belonging to a suspected drug dealer. The search for evidence is compatible with software tools in Windows and Linux. Thus the resolution of the case referred to testing the application of the methodology of computer forensics.
dc.publisherUniversidad Nacional de Trujillo
dc.sourceUniversidad Nacional de Trujillo
dc.sourceRepositorio institucional - UNITRU
dc.subjectEvidencia digital, Hecho delictivo, Informática forense
dc.titleEsclarecimiento de hechos delictivos usando informática forense

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