Didactic Activities to Improve the Learning of English Reading Comprehension in 5th Grade Students
Mojica Caceres, Cesia Elizabeth
Berrugate, Lizmineth Del Carmen
This project is entitled "Didactic Activities to improve the learning of English reading comprehension in fifth grade students of the Escuela Bilingüe Reino de los Países Bajos Holanda Morning shift." The project is the result of the degree work that the university requests once the Bachelor's degree in English teaching has been completed.
The didactic strategies are resources that motivate the students, so that at same time they easily understand readings in English. It is very important to use different strategies in the classroom. Since we find students of different levels of English, for this reason, the teacher should be prepared to provide the appropriate material or materials to the students and give clearly explanations when she or he uses readings in the classroom.
Reading should never be separated from comprehension, as the main objective of reading in comprehension. This is why we want in this project the relation between reading skills and comprehension. It is true that reading also involves fluency and expression, but this is related to oral reading as well.
To better understand the benefits of reading it is appropriate to mention that exploits the background knowledge, what it is known about the topic. Use techniques to help teachers and students to build a strong vocabulary base. Reading helps to increase reading rate where the focus is on fluency not speed. Reading helps to transform strategies into skills (automatic and unconscious).