dc.contributorCarrillo Landin, Angel Antonio
dc.creatorTorres Perez, Kelvin Manuel
dc.identifierTorres Perez, K.M. (2018) Precio y cronogramas aplicando el método pert en la construcción muro de gaviones, del rio salitre, cantón salitre, guayas. (examen complexivo). UTMACH, Unidad Académica de Ingeniería Civil, Machala, Ecuador. 52 p.
dc.description.abstractIn this work we focus on the planning and programming of the "Gabion Wall" project of the saltpeter river in the canton of Guayas province saltpeter, for this we will use the PERT method (Project Evaluation and Review Techniques), a method in which uncertainty is present, to begin with, it is necessary to have two very important documents which are the budget and the APU. When starting the planning it is necessary to list the activities, in this project there are a number of 10 activities, we proceed to make the sequence table in which it shows us the different successions of the activities, with that we can make the diagram of arrows. Once the planning phase is finished, which consists of the diagram of arrows, we enter the programming phase, we make the table of durations, through the performance of each activity, the amount of work, the number of groups, the duration in hours, and finally the duration in days, this table is made to take the duration found as a reference for our most likely time. We elaborate the table of probabilistic times which are the optimistic, most probable and pessimistic time, once this is done we proceed to calculate the standard deviation and the variance. Having all the data calculated we can join with the planning arrow diagram and find the critical path, this indicates the project deadline, finally we proceed to graph the schedules of physical progress, valued and works, material schedules, labor and materials.
dc.publisherMachala : Universidad Técnica de Machala
dc.titlePrecio y cronogramas aplicando el método pert en la construcción muro de gaviones, del rio salitre, cantón salitre, guayas.

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