dc.contributorBenitez Ruiz, Carmen Alexandra
dc.creatorGuijarro Juca, Marina Alexandra
dc.creatorPesantez Mendez, Janneth Mercedes
dc.identifierGuijarro Juca, M.A., Pesantez P.Mendez, J.M. (2018) Incidencia de la coordinación motriz fina en la escritura de los rasgos grafo motores de los niños de primer grado. (trabajo de titulación). UTMACH, Unidad Académica de Ciencias Sociales, Machala, Ecuador.
dc.description.abstractFina motor coordination is a skill that the child must develop so that in the educational process that lies ahead he can easily acquire understandable written applications, being a step so that through reading he can interpret what he writes and reads. This project is applicable to this field of educational action, because it will allow us to contribute with a new practical study to guarantee the benefit of the development of fine motor skills in children. In this way, research in bibliographical sources, such as electronic journals, and other computer media, as well as qualitative research, have allowed the generation of this project, which aims to provide a practical contribution to the Career in Early Childhood Education and pre-school, in which it has to do with the attention to boys and girls of these levels of education. It should be noted that the infant during its first years of life is acquiring a fine motor development according to the circumstances in which it operates, their family, social and school actions allow them to form criteria of motor action, being in the school the scenario in which the child through educational practice increases the action of fine motor coordination in the writing of the motor graphic features of first grade children. It is in high school where motor practice is required, tearing, bending, cutting, among other motor activities will serve for the child to establish relevant and useful motor attitudes for their integral formation. It is in this way that the purpose of this project is to provide relevant and practical information for nursery teachers to apply in the development of their daily work, giving fine motor activity so that the muscles of the hands are getting a better production of movements that allow the coordination to write with understandable features so you can easily interpret what you write. It is a fundamental part of teachers to apply motor activities, but they must also be applied according to the conditions and abilities of children.
dc.publisherMachala : Universidad Técnica de Machala
dc.titleIncidencia de la coordinación motriz fina en la escritura de los rasgos grafo motores de los niños de primer grado.

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