dc.identifier | Bohorquez Suarez, G.L., Cuenca C.Tinoco, J.C. (2019) Analisis de caso en un paciente que padece síndrome de kwashiorkor (trabajo de titulación). UTMACH, Unidad Académica de Ciencias Químicas Y De La Salud, Machala, Ecuador. 37 p. | |
dc.description.abstract | Acute malnutrition affects children under 5 years of age around the world, approximately 9 million children under 5 die and a third of these deaths were due to malnutrition. This type of Kwashiorkor malnutrition or Kwashiorkor Syndrome is a systemic disease. It occurs for several reasons: by a low availability of proteins, the poor intake of these, due to inadequate absorption, also develop by early weaning of the maternal breast, by not compensating the adequate amounts of proteins and in some people suffering from a chronic and / or severe disease. In this syndrome, the most vulnerable groups are children under 2 years. It is manifests apathy, slowing growth, loss of body mass , and the characteristic sign is edema and frequent infections of the respiratory and digestive tracts, for our titration work we have set ourselves the objective of analyzing the clinical case of the patient suffering from Kwashiorkor syndrome, using the Virginia Henderson model to improve its quality of life. To develop our case analysis we implemented a qualitative methodology. It was carry out by, the observation of clinical manifestations while hospitalized, and in addition to the collection of information from the clinical history of the study object, from the literature review, of updated national and international scientific studies and articles. The results of the study are of a 1-year-old 2-month-old girl from the Barbones parish in the canton of El Guabo, who enters the Pediatric Emergency Unit of the Machala General Hospital, in the company of the maternal grandmother. She said that the girl presents cough of moderate intensity, in addition epistaxis and streaks of blood on deposition, with 12 hours of evolution. When investigating the clinical history, the girl had a personal pathological history: Infantile Cerebral Palsy, Moebius Syndrome, had a colostomy, more presence of functional gastrostomy and in her family pathological antecedents: Maternal grandmother suffers from diabetes and her maternal uncle lupus erythematosus. In the time of the interview, the maternal grandmother states that the girl did not receive exclusive breastfeeding. In addition, the girl have recurrent respiratory tract infections. In the physical examination she was rated restless patient, with apathy, a persistent moan, irritable wet cough, secretions abundant, rhinorrhea, intercostal circulation, globular abdomen, depressible not painful to palpation with the presence of functional gastrostomy, decreased muscle mass, edema of lower limbs. Based on the research conducted for this study. We can conclude that Kwashiorkor Syndrome is a type of severe malnutrition that affects children under 2 years of age and especially premature children and have not received the necessary nutrients to its effective development. The multidisciplinary health team recommends the prevention of Kwashiorkor Syndrome as it can cause irreparable consequences in the infant and in extreme cases leads to the death of the child. | |