dc.contributorCastillo Núñez, Jessica Ercilia
dc.creatorReyes Cedillo, Alexandra Marisol
dc.description.abstractSexuality education for boys, girls and adolescents has been incorporated into the formal educational system. In this context, it is the teachers who must have the necessary knowledge to handle this issue with their students so that they can develop a healthy, pleasant and happy sexuality. However, due to limitations such as lack of knowledge, prejudices, stereotypes or taboos, educating in sexuality has become a complex job for teachers. The objective of this monograph is to explore the knowledge of ESI that basic education teachers have and their ways of implementing it in the classroom. To meet this objective, an exhaustive bibliographic research has been carried out in books, magazines, articles and periodicals, at a national and international level. Likewise, to complement it, a field investigation has been carried out in the practical schools where basic education teachers work. The results obtained show that, in terms of knowledge, the vast majority of teachers fail to correctly define what ESI is, in addition, despite mentioning that they can differentiate it from sexual education, the truth is that a minority manages to do it with precision; Likewise, the topics that they most address are the prevention of violence, sexual abuse and caring for the body. On the other hand, the way to implement ESI is as a transversal axis through strategies such as questions, videos and direct instruction.
dc.publisherUniversidad de Cuenca
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internacional
dc.subjectEducación Básica
dc.subjectEducación sexual
dc.titleConocimientos de los docentes de educación básica sobre educación sexual integral (ESI) y su implementación en el aula

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